A cura di: Mette Moltesen, Birte Poulsen
Anno edizione: 2010
Collana: Occasional Papers of the Nordic Institutes in Rome, 6
Isbn: 978-88-7140-435-6
e-Isbn: 978-88-7140-644-2
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 656
Lingua: Inglese
Occasional Papers of the Nordic Institutes in Rome. Edited by Mette Moltesen & Birte Poulsen in collaboration with Kristine Boggild Johannsen.
"During the years 1998-2002 the four Nordic Institutes in Rome and the Soprintendenza archeologica per il Lazio collaborated on the excavation of a huge Roman villa situated on the western side of Lake Nemi, loc. S. Maria. The present volume publishes the finds discovered through the five campaigns." (from the Preface)
E. Bach, Preface; M. Moltesen, B. Poulsen, Preface; P. Guldager Bilde, Nordic excavations of a roman villa by Lake Nemi, loc. S. Maria: an introduction; M. Moltesen, B. Poulsen, An introduction to the finds. POTTERY AND GLASS: N. Bruni, Ceramica d’impasto protostorica; R. Berg, Black Gloss; L. Mejer, Cooking Ware; B. Poulsen, Pompeian Red Ware; L. Mejer, Thin-Walled Ware; R. Berg, Terra Sigillata; B. Poulsen, Lead-Glazed Ware; K. Bøggild Johannsen, Plain Ware; K. Bülow Clausen, Transport Amphorae; C.C. Wenn, Dolia and other large vessels; B. Poulsen, African Red Slip Ware; M. Prusac, Lamps; B. Poulsen, Glass; B. Poulsen, Late-Antique Kitchen Ware; L.E. Vaag, Post-Antique Pottery; METAL AND COINS: M. Prusac, Metal objects; B. Poulsen, Coins, a Bronze Tessera and Medallions. SCULPTURE: M. Moltesen, Sculpture in marble and other stone. FINDS RELATED TO THE ARCHITECTURE: R. Berg, Brick stamps; K. Bøggild Johannsen, Architectural terracottas. MISCELLANEA: M. Moltesen, Miscellanea. LATE-ANTIQUE TOMBS: P. Guldager Bilde, Late-Antique burials in the villa area; E. Wahlberg Sandberg, The human skeletons. OTHER ORGANIC MATERIALS: E. M. Pinto-Guillaume, Invertebrate remains. APPENDIX; FIGURES; Plan A and B.