A cura di: K. Friis-Jensen
Anno edizione: 2015
Collana: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa, 46
Isbn: 978-88-7140-600-8
Materie: Storia, Storia medievale, Filologia
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 232
Foreword, by Stephen Harrison. Preface. 1. Horatius Liricus et Ethicus. 2. The Ars Poetica in Twelfth-Century France. 3. Addenda et Corrigenda to CIMAGL 60 1990 319–88. 4. The Medieval Horace and his Lyrics. 5. Horace and the Early Writers of Arts of Poetry. 6. Commentaries on Horace’s Art of Poetry in the Incunable Period. 7. Medieval Commentaries on Horace. 8. Petrarch and the Medieval Horace. 9. The Reception of Horace in the Middle Ages. 10. Humanist Use of Medieval Commentaries on Horace’s Art of Poetry. 11. The St Gall accessus to the Odes of Horace. Bibliography. Index of manuscripts and incunables. Index of names.
Recensione in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 51, 2016 (leggi la recensione) e in ExClass 21, 2017 (leggi la recensione) e in Athenaeum 109.1 (2021) (leggi la recensione)