A cura di: Jesper Carlsen e John Lund
Anno edizione Collana: 2024
Collana: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum, 58
Isbn: 978-88-5491-539-8
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 344
"The papers in the present volume originate from the international conference “Roman Carthage: A Reappraisal” held at the Danish Institute in Rome, 18-20th of January 2022. The overriding aim of the conference was to take stock of our current knowledge of Roman Carthage with a view to identifying future directions. The UNESCO-project ‘Pour sauver Carthage’, which was launched in 1972, comprised excavations by both Tunisian and international teams, of which some have only been published relatively recently.1 Since then, our knowledge of Roman Carthage has increased through new fieldwork and insights. It was our ambition to bring scholars from Tunisia as well as from countries that were part of the UNESCO-project together to discuss different aspects of Roman Carthage, and in this we succeeded." (from the Introduction)
Jesper Carlsen & John Lund, Introduction: New Light on the Archaeology and History of Roman Carthage
Samir Aounallah, Attilio Mastino & Paola Ruggeri, Nuove ricerche sulla pertica dei Cartaginesi: Uchi Maius, Thignica, Thugga
Hamden Ben Romdhane, Giovanni Di Stefano, Maurizio Paoletti, Ines Bellouchi, Slim Bechrifia, Dominique Maria Di Caro, Stefania Fornaro & Lorenzo Zurla, Cartagine. L’anfiteatro e i quartieri nord-occidentali. Risultati preliminari di un nuovo progetto di ricerca
Antonio M. Corda, La gerarchia ecclesiastica della Cartagine cristiana. Autorappresentazione e status sociale degli appartenenti agli ordini minori
Hatem Drissi, Portraits impériaux de Carthage
Joann Freed, Clues for Context in an Assembly of Roman Statues at Carthage
Fabiola Salcedo Garcés, Raquel Rubio González & Estefanía A. Benito Lázaro, Rome on Display. Images of Power and Conquest in Three Carthaginian Roman Monuments
Jorge García Sánchez, Carthage in the United States. The Divulgation of Carthaginian Archaeology and Punic and Roman Materials in North American Collections
Carina Hasenzagl, Bir Massouda Site 2: A Case Study of Fifth – Seventh Century African Red Slip Ware
Antonio Ibba, Tribules a Karthago e nella sua pertica
Annapaola Mosca, Cartagine La Malga ed altre aree urbane. Relazione fra impianto urbano e paesaggio
Vinnie Nørskov, Ancient Carthage seen through the Eyes of a Danish Nurse: A Private Collection in a Danish University Collection
John Lund, Seaside Cities on Roman Lamps from Africa Proconsularis and Italy
Giampiero Scafoglio, L’immagine di Cartagine sotto la dominazione vandalica nell’Anthologia Latina
Charlotte Spence, The Curse Tablets of Carthage