A cura di: Ida Oggiano
Anno edizione: 2019
Rivista: Rivista di Studi Fenici, 47
Isbn: 978-88-5491-027-0; e-Isbn: 978-88-5491-031-7
Issn: 0390-3877; e-Issn: 1724-1855
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x27
Pagine: 160
Giuseppe Garbati, Divine Roaming: Deities on the Move between Phoenician, Aramaic and Luwian Contexts
Juan Antonio Martin Ruiz, Juan Ramón García Carretero, Cylindrical Bone and Ivory Hinges Found in Phoenician Sites of the Western Mediterranean
Pietro Giammellaro, Biagio Pace, the Whitakers and the First Steps of Archaeological Investigation in Motya
Andrea Roppa, Colonial Encounters and Artisanal Practices in the Western Phoenician World. Ceramic Evidence from Sardinia
José-Luis Escacena – Miguel-Ángel Tabales, On the Founding of Seville. Recent Archaeological Data in the Context of the Phoenician Colonization of Tartessos
Violeta Moreno Megías, Michał Krueger, Petrographic and Chemical Characterization of Pottery of Phoenician Tradition from Early Tartessian Centers
Francisco B. Gomes, Phoenician-type Red Slip Wares and Their Regional Evolution: The Case of the Lower Sado Valley (Portugal)
schede e recensioni / book reviewes
G.D. Choi, Decoding Canaanite Pottery. Paintings from the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age I. Classification and Analysis of Decorative Motifs and Design Structures – Statistics, Distribution Patterns – Cultural and Socio-Political Implications, Fribourg-Göttingen 2016 (Tatiana Pedrazzi).
A.D. Navarro Ortega – E. Ferrer Albelda (edd.), Trabajo Sagrado. Producción y Representación en el Mediterráneo Occidental durante el I Milenio a.C., Sevilla 2018 (Giuseppe Garbati).