A cura di: Ida Oggiano
Anno edizione: 2020
Rivista: Rivista di Studi Fenici 48
Isbn: 978-88-5491-130-7; e-Isbn: 978-88-5491-144-4
Issn: 0390-3877; e-Issn: 1724-1855
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x27
Pagine: 176
Marina Pucci, Traded Goods in the Amuq during the Iron Age: Cypriot, Phoenician and Aegyptian Artefacts at Chatal Höyük
Barbara Bolognani, Trends of Continuity and Change in the Phoenician Coroplastic Production during the Iron Age and Persian Period
Barbara Mura, Subadult Inhumations in the Necropolis of Khaldé (Beirut, Lebanon): a Review of Roger Saidah’s Documentation
Boutheina Maraoui Telmini, Frerich Shön, New Pottery Contexts and Radiocarbon Data from Early Layers on the Byrsa Hill (Carthage): the “Astarté 2”-Sequence
Dannu J. Hütwohl, Herodotus’ Phoenicians: Mediators of Cultural Exchange in the Mediterranean
Marcello Valente, Food Supply Issues during the Circumnavigation of Africa by Phoenicians under Nechos II
Progetti / Projects
Giuseppe Garbati, Tatiana Pedrazzi, The TCM Project.Transformations and Crisis in the Mediterranean: Aims, Approaches and Perspectives
Carla Del Vais, Anna Chiara Fariselli, Alfredo Carannante, Salvatore Chilardi, The Tharros Network Project. Origin, Evolution and Development of Punic Economy and Diet in Central-Western Sardinia (Italy)
Note e discussioni / Notes and discussion
Stevens Bernardin, The Phoenician Seal from Miletus: an Epigraphic Note
Raimondo Secci, A New Punic “Mould for Ritual Bread” in Terracotta from Sarcapos (Villaputzu, Sardinia)
Schede e recensioni / Book Reviews
P. Altmann, A. Angelini, A. Spiciarich (edd.), Food Taboos and Biblical Prohibitions, Reassessing Archaeological and Literary Perspectives, Tübingen 2020 («Archaeology and Bible», 2), Mohr Siebeck, VI + 158 pp. ISBN 978-3-16-159355-0 (Ido Koch)
L. Bonadies, I. Chirpanlieva, E. Guillon (edd.), Les Phéniciens, les Puniques et les autres. Échanges et identités en Méditerranée ancienne, Paris 2019 («Orient & Mediterranee», 31). Editions de Boccard, 236 pp., b/w figs., ISSN 2101-3195 - ISBN 978-2-7018-0569-6 (Adriano Orsingher)
P. Xella, J.-Á. Zamora (edd.), Inscriptions phéniciennes inédites ou peu connues dans la collection de la Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban, Beyrouth 2018 («BAAL Hors-Série», 15). ISSN 1683-0083. 170 pp., num. b/w-figs. (Rossana De Simone)