A cura di: Marta Garcia Morcillo, J.H. Richardson, Federico Santangelo
Anno edizione: 2016
Isbn: 978-88-7140-698-5
e-Isbn: 978-88-7140-739-5
Materie: Storia, Studi sulla cultura dell'antico, Archeologia
Formato: 16x23
Pagine: 304
Ancient Rome was - like modern Rome is today - a city filled with monuments and buildings of every kind, and - as today - with each of those different structures were associated all manner of experiences, memories, stories and explanations. Over time those buildings and monuments naturally and inexorably changed, and sometimes radically so. Some were destroyed, while others were preserved; some were left to collapse, while others were restored. And, just as even the most imposing of structures could dramatically transform, so too could the memories and stories associated with them. This collection of papers seeks to explore the dynamic relationship between the spaces, places, and monuments of ancient Rome, the stories the Romans told about them, and the uses they made of them. It aims to uncover past meanings, trace changes in memories and mentalities, and shed light on the life of the buildings and monuments of the city in the longue durée.
Acknowledgements. Marta García Morcillo, James H. Richardson and Federico Santangelo, Ruin or Renewal? Places, Monuments and Memories in Ancient Rome. Dominique Briquel, Monuments of the Regal Period and the Beginnings of the Republic: the Ambiguity of Realia. Federico Santangelo, The Statue of Marsyas. James H. Richardson, Virum mihi, Camena, insece: the Cult of the Camenae and the Commemoration of Achievement in Early Rome. Don Miller, For Country, God, or Self? Religious Dedications and the Construction of Public Image in Republican Rome. Marta García Morcillo, Placing the hasta in the Forum: Cicero and the Topographic Symbolism of Patrimonial Sales. Alexander Thein, The Augustan ‘Rebuilding’ of the Capitolium. Lily Withycombe, The Temple Dedicated to Jupiter Feretrius on the Capitoline Hill. Lucy Jones, Memory, Nostalgia and the Roman Home. John R. Patterson, Imperial Rome and the Demise of the Republican Nobility. Maria Letizia Caldelli and Cecilia Ricci, Memory and Epigraphy. The pauper at Rome in the First Century AD. Silvia Orlandi, Past and Present in the Late Imperial Epigraphy of the City of Rome. General Index. Index Locorum.