A cura di: Elisabetta Cianfanelli and Fiammetta Gori
Anno edizione: 2024
Collana: Documenta Asiana, 14
Isbn: 978-88-5491-497-1
Issn: 1126-7321
Materie: Assiriologia, Archeologia
Formato: 21 x 29,7
Pagine: 512
Lingue: Ita - Eng - Fr - De
Cartonato con sovraccoperta
Elisabetta Cianfanelli – Fiammetta Gori, Preface
List of publications by Amalia Catagnoti
Tabula Gratulatoria
Silvia Alaura, “… this book contains things women will like to know”. The adventures of Lady Isabel Arundell Burton in Syria (1869 – 1871)
Claus Ambos, Mesopotamische Abstreif- und Abspülriten: Zur Unterscheidung von šaḫātu (“abspülen”) und šaḫāṭu(“abstreifen”)
Stefano Anastasio, The Italian archaeological expeditions to the Near East in the first half of the 20th century and their photographic legacy
Alfonso Archi, Martu and Ibʿal according to the Ebla Documents (ca. 2385-2330 B.C.)
Beatrice Baragli, When “reason” is gone. Reflections on the usage of Akkadian ṭēmu
Francesco G. Barsacchi, Wilderness and Liminal Spaces in Hittite Religious Thought
Maria Giovanna Biga, Unfree people in Ebla. Annotations on the text ARET XIV 75
Marco Bonechi, The join of ARET III 347 with ARET V 6+ and the missing text of the incipit of the Ebla manuscript of the Hymn to Shamash of Sippar
Noemi Borrelli, The temple gates. Some considerations on the dynastic cult under Šu-Suen
Armando Bramanti – Ernesto Caveda, The Prat Puig Tablet. A Neosumerian Administrative Account in Santiago de Cuba
Dominique Charpin, Le roi, le devin et les soldats rebelles d’après une lettre des archives royales de Mari
Elisabetta Cianfanelli, How I met ... my husband? Bonds between the royal family and the family of I-bi2-zi-kir: The case of Ti-iš-te-da-mu’s wedding
Paola Corò, New Evidence for the Fishermen in Hellenistic Uruk: Collations to Iraq 59 No. 37
Marta D’Andrea, From Ebla to Aleppo (and Beyond). Some Thoughts on Ceramic Regionalism and Connectivity in Northwestern Inland Syria during the Later Early Bronze Age
Jean-Marie Durand, Relectures mariotes
Jesper Eidem, The “Other” Gilgamesh
Stefania Ermidoro, “La magnifique brique de Babylone”: Austen Henry Layard’s gift to the Musée industriel de Lausanne
Candida Felli, Of the seal of a sanga: considerations over landscape elements in Akkadian glyptic
Pelio Fronzaroli, La fuga delle gazzelle nell’incantesimo eblaita ARET V 5
Fiammetta Gori, Following the tracks of the ti-gi-na jewels in the Ebla texts: geographical provenance and socio-economic context
Michaël Guichard, Nagar et sa déesse : nouveau fragment de Mari
Leonid Kogan, Some New Grammatical and Lexical Facts from Ebla
Denis Lacambre, La garde royale et les gardes du corps du roi Zimrī-Lîm de Mari : recrutement et organisation
Brigitte Lion, Quelques notes sur des fruits et arbres fruitiers à Nuzi
Massimo Maiocchi, Navigating the Semantics of Early Bronze Age Texts: From the Conceptual Dimension to the Implementation of New Research Tools
Gianni Marchesi, In the Shadow of the Great Kings: Karkamis in the Middle Bronze Age
Paolo Matthiae, Una nota sulla “Casa della lana” del Palazzo reale di Ebla
Giovanni Mazzini, A Lexical Note on the London Amorite-Akkadian Tablet
Davide Nadali, The Terracotta Army? Notes on Some Clay Figurines from Ebla
Jacopo Pasquali, Nullus locus sine Genio : une hypothèse sur les an-dùl sa-du de l’en et de la ma-lik-tum dans les textes rituels éblaïtes et les תרפים bibliques
Luca Peyronel, Notes on Mesopotamian metrology I. A new balance weight from Aliawa in the Erbil Plain and the weight systems of the Tigridian region during the 3rd millennium BC
Frances Pinnock, Inside and outside: About the use of spaces in domestic quarters in Old Syrian Ebla
Andrea Polcaro, What is hidden behind the snakes? An attempt to reconstruct the typology of the “Serpent’s cult” and its meaning for the Proto-Canaanite religion of the Southern Levant during the final century of the 4th millennium BC
Francesco Pomponio, Irisaĝrig and a New Participant to the Sharing of the Ur III State
Simonetta Ponchia, Princes and scholars: Alexander, Aristotle, and the legacy of an old paradigm
Marina Pucci, Make noise at home: Iron Age rattles from Chatal Höyük in the Levantine context
Licia Romano, Mesopotamia in Liebig trade cards
Annunziata Rositani, King Rīm-Anum of Uruk: A Reconstruction of an Old Babylonian Rebel Kingdom
Marco Rossi, Broken Figurines / Bewitched Figurines
Erica Scarpa, Family Matters. For an Interoperable Approach to the Study of Eblaite Society
Sebastiano Soldi, A Spectacle Idol in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence
Walter Sommerfeld, Zur altakkadischen Orthographie von baʕlum/bēlum “Herr; Besitzer (von)”
Giulia Torri, About the list of body parts in the ritual for Labarna CTH 412.3
Luigi Turri, Beirut in the Late Bronze Age. Preliminary survey of the available sources
Agnese Vacca, Travelling Objects: Euphrates Banded Ware Pots in Early Bronze Age Hama, Syria
Lorenzo Verderame, On the oldest references to Šauška, the Ištar of Nineveh
Nele Ziegler, Piradi invia un biglietto da visita
List of abbreviations