A cura di: Silvia Alaura
Anno edizione: 2020
Collana: Documenta Asiana, 11
Isbn: 978-88-5491-128-4
Issn: 1126-7321
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21 x 29,7
Pagine: 501
Lingue: Ita - Eng - Fr - De
Cartonato con sovraccoperta
"This new volume of the series Documenta Asiana, edited by Silvia Alaura, includes eighteen essays focused on various aspects of the development of the scientific studies on the Ancient Near East and surrounding areas up to the middle of the 20th century, with some incursions into more recent periods. Many of the authors are members of the “Gruppo di Ricerca Interdisciplinare della Storia degli Studi Orientali” (GRISSO), an ongoing international CNR project started in 2013.
The reader will find studies on scholars who are still illustrious or by now almost forgotten. They were all pioneers in archaeological investigations and philological studies on antiquities ranging from Anatolia to Mesopotamia and from Egypt to India. Special attention has been paid to the interplay between the study of ancient Near Eastern civilizations and contemporary cultures, ranging from archaeotourism to visual art and political propaganda.
The Leitmotiv of the volume is the exploitation of unpublished archival documents kept in public institutions and private archives. In the background there is a painstaking and laborious, but exciting, work of research, whose outcomes have often exceeded any initial expectations.
This richly illustrated volume draws the attention of the scientific community as well as of a wider public to the ideas and methods of the pioneers of the academic disciplines focusing on the ancient Orient. In the renewed panorama of studies of the new millennium this provides valuable historical reflections."
Silvia Alaura, Introduction
Part I – The Practice of Archaeology: Excavations and Institutions
Stefania Ermidoro, Da Ninive a Venezia: documenti d’archivio relativi ai doni di Austen Henry Layard
Marina Pucci, Excavating Zincirli’s Archives. The Discovery of the Southern City Gate
Silvia Di Cristina, A Building of Many Facets: The British Museum Excavation House at Karkemish
Annick Fenet,“In other words, authentic relics of the Buddha himself!” La fouille du stūpa de Kanishka à Shāh-jī-kī-Dherī (février-mars 1909)
Lars Petersen ‒ Peter Raulwing, Between Kaiser and Führer: The Archaeologist Julius Jordan in the German Empire, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich
Maria Gabriella Micale, The Archaeology of Images: From Excavations to Archives
Stefano de Martino ‒ Carlo Lippolis, L’archivio del Centro Ricerche Archeologiche e Scavi di Torino per il Medio Oriente e l’Asia: progetti e prospettive
Part II – The Making of Philologies: From Unity to Specialization
Benjamin R. Foster, Three Forgotten American Assyriologists and their Destinies
Marco Bonechi, Nobile scienza assiriologica. Materiali per una biografia intellettuale di Giulio Cesare Bruto Teloni, pioniere dell’assiriologia italiana
Diego Baldi, La piccola Biblioteca assira che posseggo: il ‘Fondo Teloni’ della Biblioteca dell’Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali, Sapienza Università di Roma
Paola Dardano, Emil O. Forrer e un problema di morfologia nominale ittita. Breve storia di un dibattito linguistico
Silvia Alaura, Insights into the Correspondence between Hans Gustav Güterbock and Albrecht Goetze 1931-1939
Part III – Oriental Studies and Society
Valentina Sagaria Rossi, L’esprit du Nil e Leone Caetani in crociera (1888)
Šárka Velhartická, Bedřich Hrozný in seiner Korrespondenz im Museum der tschechischen Literatur in Prag
Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo, Lettere di Paolino Mingazzini a Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1917-1920)
Cristina Casero, Temi e questioni intorno all’orientalismo nella cultura visiva dell’Ottocento. Qualche accenno alla situazione italiana
Davide Nadali, Oriental Notes: Assyrian and Babylonian Antiquities Onstage
Umberto Livadiotti – Andrea Ercolani – Marco Bonechi – Silvia Alaura, Evocazioni filateliche fra orientalismo e propaganda. Il Vicino Oriente antico nei francobolli di Turchia, Siria, Libano e Iraq
Notes on Contributors
Il volume ha ottenuto il Premio "Michele Picardi" del Centro Italiano di Filatelia tematica (vedi notizia)