Autore: Birgit Tang
Anno edizione: 2019
Collana: Analecta Romana instituti Danici. Supplementa, 51
Isbn: 978-88-7140-932-0
eIsbn: 978-88-5491-295-3
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 480
Recensione di Histara - Les comptes rendus (leggi recensione)
The present work investigates ancient floors executed in mortar and decorated with cut cubes, i.e. tesserae, of stone, marble or other materials wich sre set into the surface to form geometric patterns and figured motifs or inscriptions.
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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Aim and background
1.2 An outline of the history of research as well as future perspectives
1.3 The material: a presentation
1.4 Geographical and chronological range
1.5 The tesserae-in-mortar technique as an internaional phenomenon
1.6 Definition of the material: the tesserae-in-mortar technique
1.7 Terminology
1.8 Chronological issues
1.9 Database
1.10 Structures and rooms
1.11 Layouts
1.12 Practical remarks
Chapter 2: Repertoire
2.1 Classification, terminology, organisation
2.11 Compositional layouts
2.2 Enumerated motifs
2.2.1 Geometric linear motifs (Table 3)
2.2.2 Figured linear motifs (Table 3)
2.2.3 Geometric isotropic motifs (Table 4)
2.2.4 Geometric centralised motifs (Table 5)
2.2.5 Geometric single motifs (Table 7)
2.2.6 Figured single motifs (Table 8)
2.2.7 Inscriptions (Table 9)
Chapter 3: Geographical Distribution
3.1 Italy
3.1.1 Piedmont
3.1.2 The Aosta Valley
3.1.3 Lombardy
3.1.4 Veneto
3.1.5 Friuli-Venezia Giulia
3.1.6 Liguria
3.1.7 Emilia-Romagna
3.1.8 Tuscany
3.1.9 Umbria
3.1.10 The Marches
3.1.11 Lazio
3.1.12 Abruzzo
3.1.13 Molise
3.1.14 Campania
3.1.15 Apulia
3.1.16 Basilicata
3.1.17 Calabria
3.1.18 Sicily
3.1.19 Sardinia
3.1.20 Italy - summing up
3.2 Greece
3.3 Turkey
3.4 Libya
3.5 Tunisia
3.6 Malta
3.7 Spain
3.8 France
3.9 Switzerland
Chapter 4: Patterns of Patterns
4.1 The repertoire in general
4.2 Roman Italy: Observations on diffusion and tastes
4.3 The East and West Mediterranean in the Repubblican and early Roman Imperial periods and their Mediterranean context
4.3.1 The East Mediterranean: Greece and Turkey
4.3.2 The West Mediterranean: Spain
4.3.3 A special connection: Carthago Nova and Morgantina
4.3.4 East and West
4.4 Gaul and Germany and te Mediterranean context
4.5 The Punic world
4.5.1 The Punic period
4.5.2 After the Roman conquest
4.6 Selected motif: Caduceus
Chapter 5: Origins and Early Development of the Tesserae-in-Mortar Technique (late 4th and 3rd century BC)
5.1 Chronological and geographical overview
5.2 Overview of architectural contexts and repertoire from south to north
5.3 Origins and labels
5.4 The wider context
Abbreviations and Bibliography
Glossary of Floor Types and Elements
Key of Tables
Concordance of Abbreviations: Floors and Contexts
Site Abbreviations: Alphabetic Order
Site Abbreviations: Modern Countries
List of Tables
List of Illustrations