Isbn: 978-88-7140-926-9
Materie: Storia, Architettura
Formato: 21x28
Pagine: 168
The Iseum Campense, the impressive sanctuary for Isis and the Egyptian gods on the Campus Martius and arguably one of ancient Rome’s most notable absent presences, is a monument central to various debates. It was the largest temple for the Roman cults of Isis in the western Mediterranean; it mattered greatly to the Flavii as one of their means of self-definition and it was a lieu de mémoire: from the Renaissance onwards, important parts of the mnemohistory of Egypt were shaped in Rome based on the Iseum Campense and the finds associated with it. This unique volume brings together specialists on these three debates for discussion and provides the first long-term overview of this temple, monument and lieu de mémoire that has played such an important role in the history of the city of Rome, from Antiquity to the Modern Age.
Miguel John Versluys, Temple - monument – lieu de mémoire. Rethinking the Iseum Campense
Katja Lembke, The Iseum Campense and its social, religious and political impact
Frederick G. Naerebout, Sanctuary, monument, lieu de mémoire? The Iseum Campense, memory and religious life
Part 1. Temple: chronology, topography and interpretation
Filippo Coarelli, Isis Capitolina e Isis Campensis. Il culto ufficiale delle divinità egiziane a Roma
Valentino Gasparini, Bringing the East Home to Rome. Pompey the Great and the Euripus of the Campus Martius
Martin Bommas, Isis as the embodiment of nature in ancient Rome. How gardens within ancient Roman temples celebrated memories of Egypt
Frederick E. Brenk, The Iseum Campense and animal worship. Becoming Egyptian to be Roman
Laurent Bricault & Richard Veymiers, De l’Iseum Campense comme type monétaire
Part 2. Monument: the Flavian emperors and Egypt
Eric M. Moormann, Domitian’s remake of Augustan Rome and the Iseum Campense
Stefan Pfeiffer, Domitian’s Iseum Campense in context
Trevor Luke, Egypt and the secret of Empire in Tacitus’ Histories
Alexander Heinemann, Blessings of Empire. The Nile and Tiber River statues from the Iseum Campense
Irene Bragantini, A note on the temple of Isis at Beneventum
Part 3. Lieu de mémoire: from the Renaissance to the 21st century
Marieke van den Doel, The Renaissance approach of bringing ancient Egypt back to life. The fresco paintings of Pinturicchio in the Appartamento Borgia
Martje de Vries, Reading Roman Antiquity as an Egyptian Oedipus. Athanasius Kircher’s more hieroglyphicorum interpretatio
Thijs Weststeijn, The Chinese Isis, or the Sino-Egyptian hypothesis
Lucia Faedo, Memory and self-presentation: Egyptian antiquities seen through the eyes of antiquarians and aristocrats in 17th century Rome
Arthur Weststeijn, Egyptian memorials in modern Rome: the Dogali obelisk and the altar of the fallen fascists
Eva Mol, Present in absence: The imagination, reconstruction, and memory of Egypt and the Iseum Campense in Rome