A Cura di: Elena Santagati
Anno edizione: 2022
Collana: Antico
Isbn: 978-88-5491-272-4
eIsbn: 978-88-5491-182-6
Materie: Storia
Formato: 14x21
Pagine: 234
Lingua: Inglese
"The contributions collected in this volume aim to highlight one of the most important features of the political history of ancient Sicily, namely the emergence of personages who, in various forms, imposed monocratic power over time.
The presence of autocratic forms of power can already be observed within the mythological tradition, which has given us stories of strong, authoritarian personalities who, through their actions, contributed greatly to the development of territories. This is the fundamental characteristic that tradition attributed to the numerous tyrants, undisputed protagonists of the island’s history. This is what emerges from archaeological research, which has shown an important growth in the poleis affected by tyranny as early as the Early Archaic period." (dalla Prefazione)
Elena Santagati, Preface
Elena Santagati, Models of Kingship and their tradition in Sicilian mythology: an overview
Elena Santagati, Forms and models of kingship in tyrannical practice: Sicily in the archaic and classical ages
Claudia Devoto, The Reign of the Strait. An economical domain?
Helena Catania, The king and the city: royal entrances and visibility in the Hellenistic age
Luigi Maria Caliò, Theatricality of power and urban landscape in Western Greek cities
Gian Michele Gerogiannis, The Hellenistic fortifications in Epirus. Among the royal power and logistical needs
Rodolfo Brancato, From periphery to core: assessing rural settlement system and economy in the reign of Hieron II (southeastern Sicily)
Elena Caliri, Power and the Symbols of Power of Sextus Pompey