A cura di: Paola Buzi
Anno edizione: 2020
Collana: PAST - Percorsi Strumenti e Temi di Archeologia, 5
Isbn: 978-88-5491-049-2; Issn: 2611-8807
Materie: Storia
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 328
Open Access
Proceedings of the Third Conference of the ERC Project “Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context (‘PAThs’)”.
Paola Buzi
The Places of Coptic Literary Manuscripts: Real and Imaginary Landscapes.
Theoretical Reflections in Guise of Introduction
Part I
The Geography of Coptic Literature:
Archaeological Contexts, Cultural Landscapes, Literary Texts, and Book Forms
Jean-Luc Fournet, Temples in Late Antique Egypt: Cultic Heritage between Ideology,
Pragmatism, and Artistic Recycling
Tito Orlandi, Localisation and Construction of Churches in Coptic Literature
Francesco Valerio, Scribes and Scripts in the Library of the Monastery of the Archangel Michael at Phantoou. Two Case Studies
Eva Subías, Further Reflections on the Byzantine Fortress at Oxyrhynchus:
Martyrial and Funerary Church, Monastery and Arab Fort
Frank Feder, Manuscripts Wanting Homes: Early Biblical Manuscripts from Hermoupolis Magna and Antinoupolis
Tea Ghigo, Sofía Torallas Tovar, Between Literary and Documentary Practises: The Montserrat Codex Miscellaneus
(Inv. Nos. 126‐178, 292, 338) and the Material Investigation of Its Inks
Nathan Carlig, The Achmîm Papyri: Codicological Study and Reconstruction Attempt
Christian H. Bull, The Panopolis Connection: The Pachomian Federation as Context for the Nag Hammadi Codices
Vicente Barba Colmenero, Sofía Torallas Tovar, Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey of the Coptic Monastery at Qubbet el-Hawa (Aswan)
Andrea Hasznos, No Literary Manuscripts from Elephantine?
Agostino Soldati, A New Bifolium from the Monastery of Anbā Hadrà (Ms. Roma, Biblioteca Corsiniana, 280.C1)
Adam Łajtar, Literary Manuscripts and Writing Supports in Christian Nubia in Context.
Three Case Studies: Qasr Ibrim, Faras, Dongola
Part II
Theoretical Approaches, New Methodologies, and Protocols of Analysis
Applied to Coptic Literary Manuscripts and Their Archaeological Context
Hugo Lundhaug, The Fluid Transmission of Apocrypha in Egyptian Monasteries
Caroline T. Schroeder, Understanding Space and Place through Digital Text Analysis
Angelo Colonna, Contextualising Northern Egypt in Late Antiquity: An Archaeological Perspective from Western Delta
Ilaria Rossetti, Reconstructing the Late Antique and Early Mediaeval Settlement Dynamics. Some Cases from the Eastern Delta
Tea Ghigo, Ira Rabin, Gaining Perspective into Manuscripts Materiality: The Contribution of Archaeometry to the Study of the Inks of the White Monastery Leaves
Eliana Dal Sasso, A Preliminary Census of Coptic Bookbindings
Francesco Berno, For a Periodization of Coptic Literature: Methodological Issues,
Manuscript Evidence, Open Questions
Julian Bogdani, Defining Methodologies and Protocols for the Use and Re-use of Archaeological Legacy Data. The Case Study of the Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature