A cura di: Anna Lucia D'Agata
Anno edizione: 2020
Rivista: SMEA - Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici , 6
Isbn: 978-88-5491-082-9; e-Isbn: 978-88-5491-094-2
Issn: 1126-6651; eIssn: 2532-1757
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x27
Pagine: 168
Anna Lucia D’Agata, Valentina Cannavò, Massimo Perna, Daniele Putortì, Significant Objects and the Biographical Approach: An Inscribed Handle from Misis in Cilicia
Sara Marino, The Swastika Motif in the Central Mediterranean during the Early Bronze Age
Barbara Montecchi, Distribution and Functions of Minoan Inscribed Clay Vessels and the Consequences for the Question of Literacy in the Bronze Age Aegean
Thomas G. Palaima, Nicholas G. Blackwell Pylos Ta 716 and Mycenaean Ritual Paraphernalia: A Reconsideration
Ioanna Venieri, Tableware from the Middle Minoan Settlement at Apodoulou, Crete: A Typological Assessment
Serdar Yalçın, Orientalizing Architecture: Prinias, ‘Ain Dārā and Hittite Echoes in Greek Architectural Sculpture