A cura di: Dominik Maschek; Monika Trümper
Anno edizione: 2022
Collana: Analysis Archaeologica. Monograph Series, 5
Isbn: 978-88-5491-283-0
e-Isbn: 978-88-5491-292-2
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 314
"This volume collates the papers of an international conference that brought 17 scholars together in Berlin. They gave papers organised in four thematic sessions that explored Construction and Economic Theory (I); Building Materials and the Logistics of Construction (II); Economics of the Building Process (III); and The Socio-Economic Impact of Construction (IV). Not all scholars, who presented their research at the conference, could contribute to this volume, for various reasons."
Dominik Maschek – Monika Trümper, Preface
Dominik Maschek – Monika Trümper, Introduction
The Economics of Ancient Construction: Theory and Methodology
Dominik Maschek, Homo structor – homo oeconomicus: Why We Need an ‘Architectural Turn’ in Studying the Ancient Economy
Seth Bernard, Food, Energy, and Architectural Production in the Roman World
Simon J. Barker – J. Riley Snyder – Courtney A. Ward, Reflections on Energetics Studies and Roman Architecture
Javier Á. Domingo, El cálculo del coste económico de la arquitectura, una aproximación necesariamente global al proceso constructivo.
Case Studies: the Economic and Social Impact of Ancient Construction
Mike Schnelle, Überlegungen zum Bauprozess, zur Baulogistik und zu ökonomischen Aspekten altsüdarabischer Monumentalarchitektur des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. Der Almaqah-Tempel von Yeha (Äthiopien) als Fallbeispiel
Miko Flohr, Between Aesthetics and Investment. Close-Reading the Tuff Façades of Pompeii
Thomas Heide, Public Deep Wells of Pompeii: Processes of Construction
Hélène Dessales, The Technique of Wall Corners: Innovations and the Economics of Construction in Pompeii
Monika Trümper – Clemens Brünenberg – Domenico Esposito – Thomas Heide – Kristina Zielke, The Men’s Tepidarium of the Stabian Baths at Pompeii: Quantification of its Construction and Remodeling Processes
Caterina Previato, Costi e dinamiche di approvvigionamento della pietra nei processi costruttivi antichi: il caso delle strade di Aquileia nella prima età imperiale
Christopher Courault, L’économie du remploi dans la construction des remparts tardifs en Occident