Autore: Michele Solitario
Anno edizione: 2015
Collana: Quaderni di Seminari Romani di cultura greca, 19
Isbn: 978-88-7140-607-7
Materie: Filologia
Formato: 17x24
Pagine: 110
Acknowledgments. Introduction - 1. Leonidas on poverty. Leonidas and his poor people. Between a literary and philosophical model: the mice and the old man. Cynic autarkeia and Leonidean frugality: two different approaches to poverty. Rich and poor in Leonidas’ epigrams: two examples. The negative models: the gourmand and the Cynic. The positive model: the old Aristocrates. Conclusion 2. Leonidas on work. Introduction. Work and workers in Leonidas’ epigrams. Carpenters. Weavers. Hunters. Fishermen. Hesiodic traces and the morality of work. Work in the ancient Cynic tradition. Conclusion. Appendix I. The concept of τῦϕος: a possible Cynic element in Leonidas’ poetry. Appendix II. Cynic bios and Pythagorean bios. Bibliography. Index locorum. Index Nominum. Thematic Index.