Anno edizione: 1993
Collana: Acta instituti Romani Finlandiae, 13
Isbn: 951-96902-0-4
Materie: Storia romana
Formato: 21,5x27,5
Pagine: 186
Collezione di studi sulla legislazione romana in epoca repubblicana.
Preface. Introduction. 1. Legislation in the comitia centuriata, U. Paananen; 2. The concilium plebis as a Legislative Body during the Republic, K. Sandberg; 3. On the Religious Nature of the Place of Assembly, J. Vaahtera; 4. Lex non iure rogata: Senate and the Annulment of Laws in the Late Roman Republic, K. Heikkilä; 5. Debt Legislation in the Fourth Century B.C.; L. Savunen. Bibliography; Index rerum; Index nominum; Index locorum.