A cura di: Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Ville Vuolanto
Anno edizione: 2013
Collana: Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 41
Isbn: 978-88-7140-545-2; ISSN 0538-2270
Materie: Storia, Storia medievale
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 240
Bibliographical abbreviations. Preface. Sari Katajala-Peltomaa & Ville Vuolanto, Religious Practices and Social Interaction in the Ancient and Medieval World. Maurizio Bettini, The Lar Familiaris of the Romans: A ‘Simple’ God. Marja-Leena Hänninen, Domestic Cult and the Construction of an Ideal Roman Peasant Family. Maria Niku, Spheres of Interaction and Cooperation between Citizens and Foreigners in the Religious Life of Hellenistic Athens. James MacGregor, Garter Knights, Guild Piety, and the Cult of Saint George in Fifteenth Century England. Maija Ojala, Religious Participation in the Craft Ordinances in the Baltic Sea Region. Elina Räsänen, Hoping for Heirs? The ‘Lady of the Matrimony’ and the Case of Clemet Hogenskild in Late Medieval Finland. Christian Laes, Male Virgins in Latin Inscriptions from Rome. Outi Sihvonen, Fictores and the Cult of Vesta. Valerie l. Garver, Textiles as a Means of Female Religious Participation in the Carolingian World. Mikka Tamminen, Crusading in the Margins? Women and Children in the Crusade Model Sermons of the Thirteenth Century. Maijastina Kahlos, Polluted by Sacrifices Christian Repugnance at Participation in Sacrificial Rituals in Late Antiquity. Eva-Maria Butz and Alfons Zettler, From Collective to Individual Commemoration of the Dead: Case Studies in Early Medieval Religious Practice. Rainer Opitz, God as a Court Witness – Oaths in a Medieval Court. Celia E. Schultz, Divination and Community in Cicero’s De Divinatione. Gábor Klaniczay, Ritual and Narrative in Late Medieval Miracle Accounts. The Construction of the Miracle. Katariina Mustakallio, Religion as Communication? Pudicitia and Gender. Index. List of Contributors.