A cura di: Ida Oggiano
Anno edizione: 2022
Rivista: Rivista di Studi Fenici, 50
Isbn: 978-88-5491-372-1; eIsbn: 978-88-5491-389-9
Issn: 0390-3877; eIssn: 1724-1855
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x27
Pagine: 280
Ida Oggiano, Fifty Years of the Rivista di Studi Fenici
Sabatino Moscati, Presentation
Nicholas C. Vella, Th Rivista di Studi Fenici at 50
Tatiana Pedrazzi, On Cutural and Material Boundaries: "Fingere l'identità" Ten Years Later
Giuseppe Grabati, "Fingere l'identità" Ten Years on: Phoenicians beyond Identity
Gunnar Lehmann, Golan Shalvi, Harel Shochat, Paula Waiman-Barak, Ayelet Gilboa, Iron Age II Phoenicians Transport-Jars from a South-Levantine Perspective: Typology, Evolution and High-Resolution Dating
Helen Dixon, Placing Them "in Eternity": Symbolic Mummification in Levantine Phoenicia
Giuseppe Minunno, Phoenician Animal Names
Brien Garnand, Formulatic Patterns in Phoenician-Punic Votive Inscriptions: Preliminary Proposals on Epigraphic Structure and Syntax
Stefano Floris, Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo, A New Inscribed Stele from the Tophet of Nora. A Note on the Punic Votive Stone Monuments Reused in the Church of Sant'Efisio (Pula, Sardinia)
Octavio Torres Gomariz, Protohistoric Majorca and Minorca on the Punic Outskirts: Approaching Balearic Colonial Dialectic through Domestic Spaces
Clara Toscano-Pérez, The Crisis of the 6th Century BCE in the Southwest of the Iberian Penisula and the Possible Relationship with Malaria Falciparum: The Case of the Tierra Llna ("Flat Land") of Huelva
Bartolomé Mora Serrano, Melquart, Hercules Gaditanus and H íppos of Hadrian Aurei