Autore: Antonella Manzo
Anno edizione: 2020
Collana: MAD Lab - Monitoraggio Analisi e Diagnosi del costruito, 2
Isbn: 978-88-5491-089-8
eIsbn: 978-88-5491-243-4
Materie: Architettura
Formato: 20x20
Pagine: 208
Il volume raccoglie gli esiti di una brillante ricerca di dottorato - espletata dall'autrice nell'ambito del Dottorato in Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici, DAStU, Politecnico di Milano (relatore Prof. Claudio Chesi, co-relatore: Prof.ssa Maria Antonietta Crippa) - che sfrutta l'analisi strutturale per validare un'ipotesi storica su un edificio (la chiesa bizantina di Santa Fosca), rappresentando così un interessante applicazione del processo empirico-sperimentale e della necessaria commistione - quando si parli di interpretazione strutturale degli edifici monumentali - tra storia e struttura.
M. A. Crippa and C. Chesi
F. Ottoni
PART I. Santa Fosca present situation as 19th and 20th cent.
intervention consequence
1. Complementary views from different perspectives
1.1. Santa Fosca and its surroundings
1.2. The analysis of the building techniques
1.3. The analysis of the state of damage
1.4. The foundation system: the excavations
2. The restorations from 1800 to the present
2.1. The restorations during the 19th century: from ruin to monument
2.2. The radical interventions of the Twentieth Century
2.3. The last intervention (2012-2017)
PART II. Santa Fosca historiographical problems: the scholars’ viewpoint
3. Descriptions of Santa Fosca in 1800 publications
4. The assumptions about the connection with Byzantine tradition
4.1. The ancient image of Torcello Island and its definition as ‘Emporion mega’ in the 10th century
4.2. The assumptions on the foundation of Santa Fosca and the first document of 1011
4.3. The building configuration as the result of the Byzantine influences
5. The issue of an ancient dome
5.1. The misunderstanding between ‘dome’ and ‘conical roof’ throughout the 19th century
5.2. The existence of Santa Fosca dome at the end of the 1800s
5.3. The supposed collapse of the hypothetical dome since the early 20th century
PART III. The analysis of the structural behaviour: a further viewpoint
6. Santa Fosca weight effects and damage interpretation
6.1. The architectural scheme and the weight distribution
6.2. The impact of the lagoon environment on the church structural behaviour
6.2.1. The soil deformability
6.2.2. The seismic hazard
7. Structural validation of the hypothesis of Santa Fosca dome
7.1. The dome geometry according to the Venetian and the Middle-Byzantine tradition
7.2. The modern theory of limit analysis applied to masonry domes
7.3. The computational analysis of a hemispherical dome
7.4. Santa Fosca drum stability under the effects of vertical loads
7.5. Evaluation of the collapse load multiplier under the earthquake actions
8. Conclusive remarks
Presentazione del volume (6 maggio 2022):