A cura di: Camilla Horster, Marianne Pade
Anno edizione: 2020
Collana: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum, 54
Isbn: 978-88-5491-033-1
Materie: Filologia, Storia
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 264
Translatio studii: imitation and transformations of Italian humanist culture
Susanna De Beer, Conrad Celtis’s Visions of Rome Relocation, Contestation and Imitation of the Italian Renaissance in German Humanism
Annet den Haan, Sources, pools and runnels: The humanist reception of the Ordinary Gloss and Lyra’s Postils
Marianne Pade, Melanchthon and Thucydides: The reception of the Peloponnesian War in a Reformation context
Trine Arlund Hass, Playing your Part: Bucolic Traditions and Positions in Hans Lauridsen Amerinus’s Ecloga de pacis foedere (1573)
Per Sigurd T. Styve, Renaissance Images of Multiple Temporalities
Lærke Maria Andersen Funder, Meeting expectations and revealing aspirations: Ole Worm and the emergent genre of museum catalogues
Teaching and development of Humanist Latin
Clementina Marsico, Continuity and change in the Neo-Latin grammars of the European vernaculars (French, Castilian, German, and English)
Morten Fink-Jensen, Education, Humanism, and the Reformation in Denmark
Johann Ramminger, The Latin of the German Reformation and the Heritage of Quattrocento Humanism
Camilla Plesner Horster, Humanist Latin for a new purpose: The indication of indirect discourse from Italy to Denmark
Competing Nations
Marc Laureys, Assessing the influence of Biondo Flavio’s historical geography: the case of the Low Countries
Karen Skovgaard-Petersen, Stephanius’s Notæ uberiores in Historiam Danicam Saxonis Grammatici (1645): a humanist commentary on a medieval history of Denmark
Peter Zeeberg, Collections of Latin inscriptions from the milieu around Henrich Rantzau
Outi Merisalo, Urbes antiquissimae: Renaissance influences in descriptions of towns and cities of seventeenth-eighteenth-century Magnus Ducatus Finlandiae
Recensione su Gnomon, 94/2 2022 (vedi recensione); Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 81-1 (vedi recensione); Bollettino di Studi Latini, LII, 2, 2022 (vedi recensione)