Autore Giorgio Rocco
Anno edizione: 2018
Collana: Thiasos Monografie, 3
Isbn: 978-88-7140-773-9
e-Isbn: 978-88-7140-803-3; e-Issn: 2281-8774
Materie: Archeologia
Formato: 21x29,7
Pagine: 222
VERSIONE INGLESE Con la traduzione in italiano dei capitoli 1-5 in appendice.
G. Rocco, The Southern Stoa of the agora. Introduction. 1. The topographic framework 2. The monument reconstruction 3. The Ionic koiné 4. The chronological framework 5. The research (M. Livadiotti) A. Ferrante, F. Liuni (edited by), Catalogue of Architectural Elements of the Southern Stoa M. Livadiotti, M. Messina (edited b), Catalogue of the Wall Stratigraphic Units of the Southern Stoa A. Fino, Appendix I. Concerning the usage of marble tenons in Kos architecture in II century B.C. M. Livadiotti, Appendix II. The Carian-Ionian lewis and Kos’ relation with the 'Ionic Renaissance' Profiles of the Architectural Elements of the Southern Stoa General bibliography Indexes Testi in italiano The Authors and their contributions Folded plates