Anno edizione: 1998
Collana: Assaph, 3
Materie: Storia dell'arte
Formato: 17x24
Pagine: 324
I. Art in the Land of Israel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Age. Asher Ovadiah - Sonia Mucznik, Classical Heritage and Anti-Classical Trends in the Mosaic Pavement of Lydda (Lod); Yehudit Turnheim, Imported Patterns and their Acclimatization in Eretz Israel - the Anthemion; Talila Michaeli, The Pictorial Program of the Tomb near Kibbutz Or-ha-Ner in Israel; Nurith Kenaan-Kedar, Armenian Architecture in Twelfth-Century Crusader Jerusalem; Hana Taragan, The Peopled Scrolls at the Umayyad Palace in Jericho - Some Observations; Arthur Segal, The Temple at Musmiyeh in Relation to the Religious Architecture in Roman Palestine. II. Iconography of the Holy Land in the Medieval West: Ruth Bartal, The Image of the Oriental: Western and Byzantine Perceptions; Sara Lutan, The Heavenly Jerusalem: from Architectural Canopies to Urban Landscape in the Southern Portals of Chartres Cathedral; José M. Blázquez, Relations between Hispania and Palestine in the Late Roman Empire. III. Art and Architecture in Israel: A Family Album. Meir Joel Wigoder, Photography versus Memory in Sigfried Kracauer’s Writings of Photography; Haim Finkelstein, Lilien and Zionism; Diana Dolev, Architectural Orientalism in the Hebrew University - the Patrick Geddes and Frank Mears Master-Plan; Shlomit Steinberg, Desert Wind - Sea Breeze: the Art of Israel Rabinovitz; Avraham Ronen, Kaulbach’s Wandering Jew: An Anti-Jewish Allegory and Two Jewish Responses; Simona Cohen, Artistic Interaction in Israel: a Collection of Indian Sculpture in Kibbutz Hazorea; Mordechai Omer, «As One Speaks to Stone» - The Evocation of Celan’s Poetry in the Works of Micha Ullman and Adam Berg; Domonique Lévy-Eisenberg, A Sense of Place: the Mediation of Style in Eretz Israel Paintings of the 1920s.